Free International sms

Website : www.

Google Page Rank : 4

Alexa Page Rank : 1,658

Well folks for all those people who have been looking out for a website to send international sms for free here comes the answer from " 160by2 ".With this website you can send free sms to India,Kuwait, UAE,Saudi,Singapore,Phillipines and Malaysia.More countries are supposed to be added soon.

There is a limitation though that you can send sms with 80 characters only but on the positive side you can sen 10 sms to one number per day and a total of 50 per day in all.You have to do a one time registration though but it is worth it.

Cant think of some good words to write down ? Not to worry there is a good collection of sms templates category wise so you can just copy and send them.U can also download their mobile application and send sms from mobile using GPRS.

Ya I know you are dying for the link so here it is

Visitor Count 2000 and still counting ......

Hi Friends with your support my blog has got a visitor count of 2000 and is the third to acheive this count.Hope to provide you with more interesting and useful content.

Thanking you all and I hope you continue visiting it.

Official Site of the Indian Premier League

Website : www.

Google Page Rank : 5

Alexa Page Rank : 7,578


All you cricket fans out there you just can’t afford to miss this site.The official site of the Indian Premier League. It is filled with all the content a cricket crazy follower could ask for. It is but obvious that it will have the schedule and the results besided the live scorecard.The home page displays the team standings besides the Orange Cap Standings ( Leading Run scorers ) and the Purple Cap Standings ( Leading wicket takers ) 

There are a host of statistics one could ask for besides those stated above. Just to name a key ones are the Daily leaders Team wise. Batting which is further split into most runs, average, fifties ,hundreds ,strike rate…. I am just running out of breath. The Bowling Stats for the most wickets, the most economical bowling figures and average. The fielding with the catches and stumpings and finally the team stats. 

There is much more than I can blog about so why don’t you have a look yourself ?

My First Blog

Website : www.

Google Page Rank : 1

Alexa Page Rank : 1,882,511

This is my second blog about which I am blogging. Actually I was introduced to the world of blogging from this one and it was my first blog.When I started I was just experimenting with it to find out what exactly is a blog and how does it work. 

Now more than 6 month down the line and I have 3 more blogs besides this.The first one being a personal blog hovers around my interests that it cricket,auto and technology.

In the initial posts you may find a lot of mixed posts and the reason is obvious I was not having any theme in mind and just kept blogging on the things which interested me 

Then this blog was split into 3 more Viz .You can check these out too for more interesting and theme oriented contents.

Blog Widgets - The previous post is about this blog

Goa - This is about Goa

Blogweb - My own blog reviews which is the one you are viewing. 

Free widgets directory/collection for bloggers

Website : www.

Google Page Rank : 1

Alexa Page Rank : 1,226,701

This is my first blog about which I am blogging. Basically I was waiting for it to get a google ranking which I consider as a litmus test and and have passed with flying colours

So that is a brief summary coming back to business 

This blog is a collection of all the widgets available on the internet. Wherever the code is directly available it is also available here offcourse wherever possible the source is also mentioned so it is fair on the part of the original publishers.In some cases the link is provided leading to the widget searched for. 

So what are the available widgets ? Well there are loads of them to write about but I would like to mention a few Calendar, Simple Counter, Flag Counter, SEO Statistics

Clocks,Marquee text, images & links,IP address ,Tabbed RSS feed widgets and lots more.If you are looking forward to a particular widget just enter the key words in the search box and you will get the result in seconds. 

You can also suggest any new or interesting widgets that can be added to this collection. 

Till then happy hunting ……………..

My latest blog to receive Google Page Rank 1

Hurray! my youngest blog ( The first post was on DEC 30 2008 )  blog got its first page rank from google today.In just about 3 months this blogs got a ranking compared to my other blogs.It took just 21 quality posts to get these ranking.I thank you so much to all my visitors and followers who have contributed in reaching this goal.

I had started blogging in October 2008 and in less than six months my first & third blog got ranks from google.So all the hardwork has finally paid the dividends. It means a lot to me. 

I will always strive to provide you with useful and meaningful content as I have been providing till now. 

 I am sure you would love to visit these blogs too. Here’s the link for you

Free photo puzzle,photo slideshow,glitter text and other widgets

Website : www.

Google Page Rank : 3

Alexa Page Rank : 119,572

Now this is one really interesting site for those looking out to have fun tools to make their blog interesting.Free flash toys is one such site which provides you with some really innovative and fresh widgets to spice up your blog

There are many widgets to choose from like the digital clock,Countdown clocks,Glitter text,Photo slideshow and photo puzzle just to name a few.You can customize it to choose your blog layout and colour.

How could I forget to mention that it does not require you to register or login to use these gadgets ! Go get it !

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